CNESST, IVAC, SAAQ and RRQ compensation

Qualified Lawyers in Quebec

BF Indemnisation a legal service that brings together several services under a single umbrella. We process, including but not limited to, public (CSST, IVAC, SAAQ and RRQ) and private (disability and other insurance) compensation claims. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions on our range of expertise and the professional services we offer.

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SAAQ – Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (Bureau of Motor Vehicles)



You have been injured in an accident and wish to file for compensation by the SAAQ? You are already benefiting from SAAQ compensation, but your medical rehabilitation costs are not covered? Your situation is getting worse and the compensation paid to you is insufficient? Those are only a few of the issues we can address with you. We can assist you through all the stages of your SAAQ compensation claim process.



CSST – La Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (Occupational health and safety commission)




A work-related injury is preventing you from accomplishing your professional tasks? You have suffered a relapse or your condition has worsened following a work-related accident? One of your relatives died in a work-related incident? You are dissatisfied with the income replacement benefit you are receiving? Make an appointment with one of our BF Indemnisation experts and we will review your claim in order to make sure that you are receiving what you are entitled to.



RRQ – Régie des rentes du Québec (Quebec pension Plan)


You are dissatisfied with the RRQ benefits you are receiving? You wish to contest the interpretation of your medical records, but the process seems to drag on forever? For advice or to entrust us with your claim, contact BF Indemnisation. Let our expert staff take care of your claim and, rest assured, we will ensure you will receive the benefits to which you are entitled.



IVAC – Indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels (Crime victims compensation)



Crime victims often have other things to worry about than dealing with their compensation claim file. By entrusting BF Indemnisation experts with your claim, you can avoid additional worries and you can be certain that you will receive everything you are entitled to.